Leadership, Acquisition, Retention

Bring passion, belonging, and heartfelt social engagement to your online experience.
One of our banking customers raised $137,000 for local charities last year with little effort. They're rock stars in their community. Their members donate directly from their banking app and love them for it. Our Q2 integration is our latest, best, and most comprehensive offering. This award winning solution comes to you from Ren, the nation's largest independent philanthropic solutions provider in the North America with over 35-years in the industry and nearly $17 billion in assets.

Features & Benefits

Award Winning - From a Trusted Source

Winner of the Q2 2022 Innovation Award.

A product of Ren Inc., the largest independent philanthropic organization in North America serving some of the nation's largest financial institutions for more than 35 years. Ren supports $16.6 Billion in assets including charitable trusts, donor-advised funds, pooled income funds, endowments and private foundations.

Acquire New Members

Fact: 83% of millennials say they would be more loyal to companies that help them contribute to social and environmental issues.

Our public cause feature allows you to broadcast your local/national charitable giving initiatives. Share locally or more broadly. Reach people new to the region. Take advantage of the way we capture non-member participation and integrate our captured prospects into your marketing acquisition programs, which reduces acquisition costs.

Safe and Secure

All valid IRS listed charities, church, and educational entities are supported. There are over 2.3 million charitable giving options. All transactions leverage your secure Q2 solution. Industry standard personal and application level security in place.

Demonstrate Community Leadership

Demonstrating compassion, taking responsibility, and delivering visible results are central to meaningful community leadership.

With FlexGiving, you can get ten's, even hundred's of thousands of dollars and more, into the hands of your local charities. Now it's possible to inspire members and make a demonstrable, evidence-based impact in your community.

Everything You Need - Just Turn the Key

We're fully integrated into your banking application providing a seamless quality, service. You can be up and running quickly, and the system requires little administration. Accordingly, little training is required.

Keep Members for Life

Fact: 60% of Americans donate to charities. We're passionate about our giving. It's a family, neighborhood, and community concern. Giving transcends the day to day connecting people and providing meaning in ways no banking app alone ever could.

As a result, one of our banking customers reported that their FlexGiving members logged on 55% more often, more consistently, and 8 of 10 would strongly recommend the service to a friend. Conclusion: adding FlexGiving to your banking experience adds engagement, increases visit frequency, builds loyalty, and inspires members.