Prisma Campaigns

Maximize Cross-Selling with Personalized Offerings

Improve cross-selling and customer experience by serving your customers personalized, next-best-offers every time they log in and everywhere else

Prisma Campaigns

Accelerator Marketing
Prisma Campaigns is a next generation marketing automation platform that takes full advantage of your data and your digital channels to boost loyalty and share of wallet. Use your data to serve your customers highly personalized offers that match their needs whether they are logged in their online banking, via email or text.

Features & Benefits

Digital conversion flow visual builder

Increase conversions with digital, frictionless flows. Create anything from simple data capture forms to advanced, multi-step processes that include identity-verification, digital signature or integration with your digital self-service solution.

Automated data feeds

Save time by using Prisma to create automated pathways between your data sources. Automate daily imports of the data you need for segmentation, and daily exports of campaign results.

One platform for all your omnichannel campaigns

Improve customer experience with campaigns that integrate across channels. Centrally manage, deliver and measure your offerings via email, text, website, online banking, mobile and more.

Target marketing within your digital channels

Increase campaign reach and conversion with segmented campaigns within your online banking and mobile app. Banners can be automatically personalized and displayed only to those who meet the specified criteria.