
Elegant. Powerful. Proven.

Plinqit’s automatic savings helps with the first step of the financial wellness journey: SAVING MONEY. Plinqit allows digital customers to save for specific goals using an automated experience that makes it fun, rewarding and social. It also allows your financial institution to provide relevant financial education and cross-sell your products and services in a more meaningful way.

Features & Benefits

Plinqit will help your financial institution with

  • New deposits
  • Targeted cross-sell opportunities
  • Brand loyalty, particularly with younger clients
  • Market differentiation
  • Combatting inflationary pressures for your customers
  • Decreased operating costs of low-dollar savings accounts
  • Supportive CRA data (for banks)

Benefits for the FI Customer

  • Automated savings. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • It is FREE. They pay nothing if they reach their goal.
  • Earn rewards for engaging with intelligent financial content.