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interVal is changing how business owners and their advisors access and leverage valuation data. interVal’s software creates a better way for financial institutions to increase SMB member engagement, provide proactive product recommendations, and help owners make more informed financial decisions.

Features & Benefits

Give Your Advisors An Aggregate View Of Their Client Base.

interVal makes it possible for advisors to view and monitor their portfolio of clients in a single, easy-to-interpret dashboard. The platform makes identifying and actioning important changes to your clients’ valuation and other core financial data quick and easy, opening the door for more timely and relevant client intervention.

Valuation As A Catalyst For Deeper Conversation.

With a number in place, interVal offers your advisors and their clients an opportunity to dig deeper and discuss the results - proactively. Our technology makes it easy for both parties to continually monitor changes to key ratios and the valuation range itself. Over a short period of time, interVal can help your institution and advisors foster a more proactive, focused and data-centric relationship with clients. Our customers believe that our platform can help them transform the way business owners view their services, while providing a mechanism to boost retention and differentiate themselves in the market.

Start With A Number.

interVal is a “two-way” platform. This means business owners and their banking advisors can view the same information. Within minutes of granting a client access to the platform, following a brief onboarding process, a highly visual and accurate valuation range can be produced. It is worth noting that, on average, this number represents 85% of an owner’s total wealth!

Better Advice is Born Out Of Better Data.

Business owners rely on their banking advisor for more than just advice. The role of the advisor stands as the entry point (or barrier) for owners seeking access to the products and services they need to operate and grow their business. It has become commonplace for advisors to focus on short-term goals and to put the long-term needs of the business on the back-burner. Why is this the case? Financial institutions and their advisors are often unable to gather the data they need to drive client conversations beyond the “basics''. We believe this needs to change and that business owners deserve better.