Youth Member Engagement & Financial Education

Incent is a fully integrated and branded mobile banking solution for kids and teens. Within the solution is a built-in financial literacy tool for educating credit union youth members.
Incent is a youth financial education tool that enables youth to begin using your FI’s core services and encouraging engagement. Young members can: Spend money with integrated debit card controls, earn cash for grades, make money by completing chores, borrow money from their parents, request money from their parents, learn about budgeting, and compete to earn trophies! Provide a competitive product to Greenlight and GoHenry which are stealing away your members and deposits!

Features & Benefits

Paid for Grades - Reward education

Grade card feature allows parents to pay their children for making good grades in school.

Cash for Chores - Encourage hard work

Parents can pay their kids for completing chores and tasks around the house.

Card Controls - Parental monitoring

Parents can manage their child’s card with daily spending limits.

Teach Budgeting - Invest in people

Educating youth how to live within their means. How to properly save, spend & invent their money.

Parental Loans - Financial understanding

Borrow money from mom and dad and teach children about loan terms, interest and the importance of repaying money.

Allowance - Grow deposits

Parents can assign an allowance to the child to get money flow into the account.

Workflows - Encourage adoption

Children can request money from their parents. Notifications are sent to the parent and back to the child to inform them of the requests and take them directly to where they need to go.

Increase Youth Engagement - Grow your deposits

Incent is a youth financial education tool that enables youth to begin using your financial institutions core services while eliminating risks and building lifelong members.

Digital banking for youth

Incent provides a competitive product to Greenlight and GoHenry which are stealing away your members and deposits!

Our key benefits include:

  • Overall family financial education
  • Increase youth accounts & deposits
  • Enable youth to begin using your core services
  • Build lifetime member loyalty
  • Marketing opportunities
  • 100% branded & named to your institution
  • Seamless workflow between parent & child
  • Win back relationships and deposits from products like Greenlight & GoHenry!