Flow Networks

Flow Networks

Own the Payment Moment.
Retention as a platform. Flow enables market leading banks, wallets, and retailers to grow every month on book, by solving some of the hardest retention problems portfolio & growth managers face.

Features & Benefits

Own the Payment Moment

What is Flow?

Flow Networks is a consumer engagement, loyalty, and retention company.  Flow provides a secure platform connecting issuers and merchants with cardholders during payment for interactions, including rewards and digital receipts.

How Does Flow Work?

The Flow platform solves a real-time consumer engagement problem for card issuers, wallets, and co-brands.  It does this by providing issuers with a virtual app-store of pre-built and customizable engagements, designed to promote card usage and customer retention, that are streamed through the issuer’s mobile banking app.

Why Flow?

For a Top-50 card issuer, Flow successfully increased transaction volume 26%, drove real-time engagement, and integrated seamlessly within 4 weeks. The issuer business case is built on revenue (Flow increases card spend), higher levels of consumer engagement (Flow drives spend into underperforming categories and open cross-sell opportunities), and lower fraud (Flow brings real-time attention to the transaction payment alert lowering fraud.