
Eko enables every FI to offer a digital investment solution. Backed by fact that most Americans want to invest with their trusted FI, Eko is accessible via your existing digital platform. We take care of the entire investment process, from live dashboards to regulatory. End-users can either get a suggested portfolio based on risk apetite and interests, or pick individual stocks/ETFs. This way Eko improves product offering and attract younger members, while creating a significant revenue stream.

Features & Benefits

$10 account minimum

Eko makes investing possible for everybody, starting from as little as $10. We don't replace a financial advisor, we just make your investment offering more extensive.

Investments from A-Z

Regulatory compliance (SEC/FINRA registrations), tax reporting, portfolio management and execution management are all takes care of by Eko. This means FIs can offer investments, without having to do any paperwork.

Integrated in your existing digital platform

Eko is the only Q2 partner that integrates a digital investment solution directly in your existing digital platform. This way your clients never have to leave your website.

Convert banking clients to also invest with you

When you offer Eko, on average 12% of your banking clients will also investing with you. This compared to <1% if you only offer investments via a financial advisor.

Multiple investment products

Whether you your users want a recommended portfolio based on their risk appetite and investment preferences, or want to pick their on stocks, ETFs or crypto, all is possible.

Unlimited withdrawals/deposits, at no charge

Because Eko is automatically integrated with digital banking, users can seamlessly deposit and withdraw funds as often as they want, without any charge.

Get data on the investment behavior of your clients

You get insights on how your clients invest. For example, if a client takes a lot of money out, it will be known by you as an FI. This way you can potentially help your client with a big purchase they want to make.

Increase deposits

FIs that use Eko see a significant increase of deposits over time