
Redefine the Lending Experience

CuneXus, the first-to-market digital storefront, eliminates time-consuming loan applications.
In today’s crowded lending market, consumers seeking a loan have more choices than ever, from national banks to online lenders and finance companies. But when you launch the CuneXus digital storefront, you cut through the competitive noise. Consumers get perpetual lending offers that stay top-of-mind — they’re pre-approved and ready for one-click activation.

Features & Benefits

Key Benefits for Clients

  • Targeted loan pre-approvals based on lender risk tolerance
  • The ability to offer non-interest income products like insurance, GAP, debt protection, or others at the point of purchase
  • Automated campaign file creation and management into LOS
  • The elimination of traditional loan applications on offers to apply
  • A variety of member engagement and marketing campaign options