
Q2 Platform-Native Cryptocurrency Access Solutions

Discover additional forms of non-interest income; increase client retention and AUM; and enable frictionless crypto-asset transfer from 3rd party exchanges - seamlessly within your existing app.
The CryptoFi Q2 integration increases user retention, acquisition and non-interest income; enables crypto-asset balance transfer from exchanges; and drives lending opportunities. The buy-sell-hold features support leading coins beyond Bitcoin. Financial / crypto literacy is delivered by In-app education and engagement content. Interchange income and crypto adoption are driven by an integrated reward program. A strong service center provides turnkey access to best-in-class liquidity and custody.

Features & Benefits

Drive Interchange Income and Customer Engagement with Rewards

Expand engagement by allowing your account holders to earn Bitcoin through rewards programs tied to their debit card and funded by the merchant. The reward program also drives an increase in interchange income by keeping your debit card top of wallet.

Seamlessly Deliver Customer Education & Engagement Content

Increase your customer financial and crypto literacy with robust educational materials. Drive engagement with a broad suite of Marketing in a Box tools.

Offer the Lowest Fee Structure / Fastest Settlement

CryptoFi delivers the most cost-effective and quickest settlement options for buying cryptocurrency for BOTH your institution AND your customer.

Acquire & Retain Customers and Increase ROA wit Buy / Sell / Hold

Curb customer attrition to on-line exchanges and attract new primary relationships in younger customer segments looking for access to cryptocurrencies. Increase non-interest income, while delivering services that keep the institution top-of-wallet.

Grow Lending - Increase your lending business by allowing digital assets to be included as "proof of funds" –helping increase borrowing limits for your customers

Enable Frictionless Crypto-asset Balance Transfer from 3rd Party Exchanges

Integration with crypto exchanges & wallets enabling users to move fund and crypto to your institution via your native app from exchanges such as Coinbase, etc.

Smart Routing / Flexibility in Liquidity and Custody

Smart-routing and in-dashboard control delivers options for which Liquidity Provider or Custodian is enabled, from an established portfolio of best-in-class services – optimizing the trade experience.

Robust Management Dashboard

Experience unparalleled control and insight into your cryptocurrency transactions and status from the Ops Center management dashboard.