Carefull: Senior & Family Protections

Protect, retain, and capture new assets.

Support older adult clients and bridge to the next generation of customers with the leading financial protections.

Carefull: Senior & Family Protections

Accelerator Financial Wellness
Carefull is a PRT (Protect / Retain / Transfer) provider that helps banks support older adult clients & bridge to the next generation. Seniors face $50B in fraud and mistakes, and 45M Americans are now involved in an aging loved one’s finances. Carefull offers both groups a service to safeguard finances: senior-specific money, ID, and credit monitoring; $1M in ID theft insurance; a password & document vault, and a Trusted Contacts system to gain “share of family” in addition to share of wallet.

Features & Benefits

Smart monitoring protects your most vulnerable customers.

24/7 financial monitoring of fraud, senior-specific scams, misuse of funds, and money mistakes. Customizable alert rules watch for issues like duplicate payments, unintended charitable donations, cryptocurrency scams, and more.

Build long-term, whole-family relationships.

Amidst $84T of impending wealth transfer, 9 out of 10 adult children won’t use their parent’s bank. Prevent “asset flight” when issues arise; win trust and new accounts from other family members. Reduce customer acquisition cost for new accounts: roughly two-thirds of users plan to add a Trusted Contact to Carefull, offering banks “share of family” visibility to target for new account openings.

Safe Money Microsite: Your Brand, Your Customer

A bank-branded microsite and Carefull experience gives you a direct line of communication to make you the hero to family members. Includes customer-facing marketing that explains the Carefull service, an updating library of educational content, and an easy way for customers to activate Carefull protections.

The industry’s first and only senior specific monitoring.

Carefull looks for things core bank rules can’t find today: the latest elder fraud scams, unintended charitable donations, money mistakes, important behavior change, misuse of funds by a caregiver or family member, and 40+ other issues and behaviors specific to older adults.

World-Class Credit & Identity Theft Protection

Real-time identity great alerts with $1 million of identity theft insurance, including stolen funds reimbursement. 24/7 Dark Web Monitoring covering SSN, Driver’s Licenses, Passports, Medical ID, and more. White-glove restoration, recovery, credit freeze, lost wallet assistance, and junk mail opt-out all backed by 24/7 US-based customer support.

Instantly open a new, high-engagement channel with your highest-balance customers.

Carefull bank users open between 64% and 93% of Carefull emails: 2-3x industry standards. Get an immediate retention anchor for large accounts — placing customer assets under Carefull protection instantly reduces churn & increases LTV. Spike NPS scores in days vs. years.

View Share of Wallet: Leverage data-driven insights for cross-sale and growth

Carefull becomes your new data partner for product marketing. Typical users connect over 4 accounts, 25% of which are from other institutions – providing you share-of-wallet insights for marketing and cross-sell: consolidation, trust, checking, and more.

Unique & timely content stream to engage whole families.

Market-responsive content on fraud & scam prevention, saving tips for older adults, legal and financial planning, and more. Articles are added weekly to bank partner microsites and for direct distribution under your bank’s brand.

Trusted Contacts provide customers upgraded transparency and security.

Let customers securely share only need-to-know pieces of financial and personal information, without giving others the ability to access their money. Customers maintain independence and security, while adult children still get what they need to support the ones they love. Current solutions – giving away passwords, calling banks for others – lack privacy and security, and can facilitate theft or fraud.

Carefull Vault makes you every customer’s home for digital security.

The “digital safety deposit box” for important documents, passwords, and emergency contacts, purpose-built for older adults and their adult children. The simple hub allows customers to instantly generate new passwords for breached online accounts, and securely share information with other generations and stakeholders.