
Greg Varnell

Vice President Of Product And Dev

August 2020 Newsletter

Relaunch of

We are very excited to launch a brand new The team has been working on the rebuild for a number of months now. There were only a couple of actual features in the old developer portal, but the rebuild was from the ground up. Everything from the marketing site, to authentication and JIRA integration needed to be built to maintain feature parity with the existing portal. Please check it out and experiment with using the support ticketing system for your next support request.

Caliper SDK User Group

We are starting a Caliper SDK User Group. Q2 has had a user group for quite some time for the broad audience of all customers running the Q2 product. We are looking to get a SDK user group started in the next month or so. At this point, if you are interested in joining the user group please fill out this form:

All people involved with building stuff in the Caliper SDK are welcome. That means Developers, Product Owners, Designers, and QA. The user group is open to people from Q2's financial institutions but also from our Certified 3rd Parties and our fintech partners.

Apply Here

We really want this to be an open discussion where people using the Caliper SDK can come together and share ideas, stay up to date and propose discussion topics.

If the number of submissions is very large we may start off limiting the number of attendees and grow it over time.

New Team Members!

We continue to grow our team to build cool new things and to make sure you all have the resources and support you need from us to be successful. Some quick introductions:

Kelsey Golden - rejoins Q2 after a couple years of doing some other things. Kelsey was on the original team that built UUX in 2013 and 2014. After the initial launch of UUX, she focused on the build out of our commercial and corporate functionality. Kelsey has a ton of Q2 knowledge and very experienced in frontend development. Kelsey is based in Austin.

Jeff Heaton - joined Q2 in March from an Atlanta startup Volantio. Jeff has full stack development experience but joined the SDK team to focus on the Tecton project. Jeff's previous roles included working with Python, React, and Ruby on Rails. Jeff enjoys rock climbing in his spare time. Jeff is based out of Atlanta.

Alex Jeong - joined Q2 in early July from IBM. Alex has several years of experience with frontend and backend Javascript. Alex is based out of Austin and joined the team to focus on Tecton. Alex enjoys soccer, Starcraft, kpop, and fishing.

Trey Teter - Trey is the SDK teams summer intern. He is currently half way through his senior year at Texas A&M in Killeen Texas. Trey has a dual major in Math and Computer Science. Trey is also an Eagle Scout. Trey's summer project includes a reference SDK extension that connects to Q2's Gro product. Once Trey is done with the project we plan to open source it as an example.

Jon Kramer - moved to the SDK team in late March from Q2's Premier Support team. Jon has been with Q2 for 2.5 years. Jon has very deep Q2 systems and operating knowledge. Jon and Mark Ostroth work closely together on the front lines providing our customers and partners the high level of support the SDK team is known for.